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Salary Benchmarking

Interquartile Diagram

From one job to the whole organisation, we can produce your remuneration benchmarking report on pay and benefits.

With our extensive database and library of remuneration data we can review all levels of job throughout the organisation.


If you have had remuneration reports produced previously you may require your information in a particular format or style.  We are able to accomodate this and present our findings following the existing style.

Following discussions with you we would agree the different data cuts with which you are comfortable.  This can be an iterative process where we provide data on a number of data cuts and then refine the choices to the most appropriate for your organisation.    We will generally recommend that at least three data cuts are normally used, where available.

The data cuts can be by turnover, market value, number of employees, industry sector, other criteria or indeed even a bespoke list of comparable organisations.

You will then provide us with details of the jobs to be reviewed, an organisation chart and job descriptions (where available). 

With the above we will then produce a draft report for discussion.  Following this we will then update the report as necessary and submit the final document.

We are very happy to attend remuneration committee meetings or other meetings to discuss our findings.

Benchmark Data Results TableBenchmark Data Results Graph 2021